We arrived
22 December 2015
We arrived in the Berrys on Dec.16. Booked a marina for a week, cleared customs and settled in.
A cold front came in on Friday night and only cleared yesterday. We think we will leave tomorrow because we have a 2 days sort of OK window to get to New Providence island and anchor in West Bay. From there we will jump off to the Exumas at the first weather window. It looks like Christmas and our anniversary at anchor!It could be a lot worse.
Craig is starting to get his head around the fact that this is 1) primarily a cash society and 2) a store can be many things all in one place.
Hopefully we will have some photos to post next time.
One Month Out
05 December 2015 | Maryland to Florida
Can't believe it has been a month since we left Hartge's. Here is a brief synopsis of the trip so far.
Nov 3, 1206 cast off lines.
Did an overnighter on the bay, arriving in Norfolk at 1015 Nov. 4. There was no wind the bay was glassy so we motored. Anchoring at Hospital point at MM 0.
Nov 5, weighed anchor and hit the ICW. Stopped at River Forest Marina in Pungo Creek (mile marker 135off Pamlico Sound ) for a minor repair. Stayed the night there.
Next day left Marina. Strong winds and rain. Anchored in Broad Creek (great anchorage). Stayed for 2 days, due to torrential rains.
Nov 10, left anchorage and motored through Morerhead city , anchoring in Swansboro, arriving after dark. Wanted to go outside at Morehead but no weather window.
Stayed in ICW until Cap Fear. Finally had a weather window to go outside.
Nov 14 went out Cape Fear inlet and sailed overnight to Charleston, mostly downwind in 15-25. Rested a few days and walked 2 miles to the Whole Foods grocery.
More crumby weather. ICW again.
Nov 20, 2015, start out from Beauford, SC to go ICW and changed minds at last minute. Turn around and went out Port Royal sound against Chris Parkers advice. Turned out to be a rather rough night. Winds not too bad, but seas rather nasty. Arrived Fernandina Beach next morning around 1000. Inlet was really nasty. Stayed in fernandina 3 nights and then went to St. Mary's GA for the Thanksging for cruisers. Stayed there for 3 days. Carol ran into some folks she used to sail with in NJ and had not seem for 15 years.
More bad weather. Motored to St. Johns' River.25 knot winds and current about 3-4 knots in opposite direction. Made for white knuckle docking.
Next day more ICW to St. Ausgustine. Tried to anchor, but anchorage was full of derelict boats. Creepy. Went to Marina. More docking fun with wind and current. Current was so strong we could only get out of the slip at slack tide ( around 1200) so only could go 1/2 day.
Next day Daytona Beach. Arrived after dark.
Next day, anchored in Titusville. Mile marker 879,
Next day, Dec. 1 we intended to exit Cap Canaveral and went as far as canal lock to find lock was closed, under repair. GREAT. Turned around and went ICW to Indian River and a very quiet anchorage.
Dec 2, anchored in Ft Pierce. Next day, a nasty weather front came in. We decided to take a marina and are still here. Did shopping, West Marine, and local farmers market which is great ( Wednesdays and Saturdays). We are leaving tomorrow to anchor again until Monday or Tuesday, when the weather is supposed to be good enough to go outside again.