Bermuda-Horta 12
15 May 2019 | 37:49N 042:58W
Richard Rowley
Trip:1148 Distance to Waypoint 677; Bearing to Waypoint 081deg 37deg 49'N 042deg 58'W COG: 075 SOG:6.7 Wind SSW f4-5
Boat time 10:00 (UT-3)
Our daily bread
Bread, it is one of our staples on the boat as it is at home. A sandwich at lunch time, fried bread with bacon and egg for breakfast or just a cheeky snack of a peanut butter and marmite sandwich at midnight to keep me going through the night whilst on watch.
baking bread and sailing are synonymous, as it has been for hundreds of years. Baking bread is part of offshore sailing, if you want bread you must bake it yourself as it does not keep for very long. With just the two of us on board we do not get through that much. We stocked up on a couple of loafs before we left Bermuda 10 days ago and just consigned the last loaf to the deep as it had not fared well...we trust that Poseidon will not be offended by our offering.
Thus it was time to bake our own again as we do from time to time. On this occasion I consulted the Goddess Delia for the perfect loaf, she told me to mix the salt in with the flour and place it in the oven on a low heat for 10 minutes, then add 3fl oz of hand hot water to mix the yeast and stir once to the left and leave to stand for 15 minutes, after I had stood for 15 minutes I cam back to the yeast, and behold it had frothed; place the warmed flour and salt mix into a mixing bowl, make a well and added the yeast mixture and stir and add more hand hot water to the dough until it is stiff and mix with your described to me in the into to a loaf tin and bake for 30 minutes at 200c...I followed her every word as any eager disciple does.
The reading of her text in the first book of the Complete Cookery Course pages 42 to 43 and following the word of the almighty Delia has provided us with fine and tasty loaf
This is the word of Delia, the one who must be obeyed
Tomorrow fairy cakes...
Other than that we are making excellent progress SSW f4 making 6-7 kts with the wind on the beam...all sails flying...
Richard and Alison yacht Cerulean of Penryn
if you want to see pictures or more look us up on for us at facebook @yachtcerulean, instagram and if that is not enough you can always search 'Yacht Cerulean' on youtube if you are really bored.