Ponta Delgado-St Mary's 6
13 June 2019 | 46:38N 010:47W
Richard Rowley

Log:863 DTW 259; BTW 040deg 46deg 38'N 010deg 47'W COG: 040 SOG:6.0 Wind NW f3; baro 1017 Status: motor sailing; main/genoa/staysail
Boat time 18:00 (UT)
The Bateau Cerulean Cookbook 3
Alison said ' do you know what? I could really do with some corned beef right now, who's turn it is to get lunch' now that is not a craving you here of every day, life on an ocean wave must be getting to her after 8 days at sea I thought. Not fancying a corned beef sandwich I volunteered 'it must be my turn'.
Now CornedBeefHashTag, is a unique recipe of mine, and contains a rather special ingredient which is not readily available 300 nautical miles from the nearest internet connection, and that is where I need your help, that special ingredient is #cornedbeefhashtag, i need all of you to share this recipe with #cornedbeefHashTag on as much social media as you can.
Not having a clue on how to make corned beef hash, i thought about what I would like in it...but it had to contain Corned Beef and of course can only contain whatever ingredients we have on board including whatever fresh vegetables we might have at the moment after 8 days at sea. Why she wanted tinned corned beef out of the emergency supplies whilst we still have fresh vacuum packed meat on board I do not dare to ask, however I rummaged through the myriad of provision lockers scattered around the boat until a found one of those rectangular truncated pyramid type tins with the little key on it. It was in a dry locker so still had a label on it.
Preparation: 1) put kettle on and make cup of tea (if moored up or at home this can be substituted by a) a can of beer or b) glass of red wine 2) Search lockers for tin of corned beef, it will be funny shaped tin with a key thing on it. (tin may be rusty if in bilge, remember if it is circular and looks like a truncated dome it is a Fray Bentos 3) Look around other hiding spots for fresh veg; 4) look around for anything else that you might be able to chuck in to make it interesting.
For best results to be made with the galley at mean angle of 22.5 degrees from horizontal but rolling 20deg from side to side whilst slamming into a heavy sea
enough for 4 for lunch or 2 for dinner but just add more veg to fill it out if you need more... Ingredients 1 x tin of corned beef 1 x handful of potatoes cut into large chunks 1 x onion roughly chopped 3 x cloves of garlic chopped and crushed with back of knife 2 x slice from a halved cabbage roughly chopped (2 large handfuls) 2 x tomatoes chopped, (use up the mangy looking ones) 0.5 x teaspoon of Easy Chilli 1 generous squirt of tomato puree 1 x handful of chopped fresh basil 1 large splash of olive oil we find that potatoes if kept in the dark keep for a long time on the boat (i am the same) , as do onions. Cabbage keeps well in the fruit net hanging in the saloon, we keep tomatoes in the fridge.
1) put pan on an boil some water to par boil the potatoes
2) peel potatoes and cut into small chunks 3) peel and roughly chop onion, (watch fingers as boat slams)
3) open tin of corned beef, (swear as little tag break off because you have tuned it the wrong way) cut into chunks
4) Get your boaties frying pan out of the locker above the stove without everything falling out on you head, stove, galley sole etc.
5) Now that the pan of water has come to the boil chuck potatoes in and par boil until soft (small chunks cook quicker) 5-10 minutes
6) heat some oil in the pan (used engine oil is not advisable, I use olive oil...something to do with virgins...)
7) fry off onions in pan, add corned beef chunks and fry a little
8) add the par boiled potatoes, might need to add some more oil.
9) add garlic and cabbage 9) season with the easy chilli, salt and pepper and tomato puree mix up gently
10) after a while chuck in the tomatoes and mix gently
11) put lid on boaties frying pan, turn heat down and let it all cooked together for a while with the lid on, lift lid occasionally and gently stir it around
12) finish mug of tea
13) add chopped basil just near the end and cook for a minute longer
14) serve in a bowl garnished with facebook, instagram and twitter for best results
Tasted fantastic...best thing to do with corned beef...mmmm
remember #cornedbeefhashtag
tune in next time Cerulean bilge soup
Richard and Alison yacht Cerulean of Penryn
if you want to see pictures or more look us up on for us at www.yachtcerulean.com facebook @yachtcerulean, instagram and if that is not enough you can always search 'Yacht Cerulean' on youtube if you are really bored.