The remains of the ancient town of Nora
25th August
After a day of fiddgety boat cabin fever on Sunday due to strong winds preventing us getting off, wewere eager to get to a new place Monday. We motored on flat seas he few miles to Pula where we explored the western bay and found it far too shallow and rocky so headed round to the east bay instead where there was plenty of sandy areas to anchor on. Turned out to be a good idea as the wind was more westerly and stronger than forecast.
We were here to see the ruins at Nora a town set on a promontory which was founded in 500bc by the Phoenitians. Subsequently invaded by the Romans whose ruins are now uncovered.
You aren't able to visit the site without joining a tour, whic costs €7.50 per person and includes a visit to the watch tower too. The site is extensive with thermal baths, a theatre, temple, houses with mosaic floors and the area where the plebs lived. Tour guides words not mine! The tour guide and the information given in the tour was good, however we really did need more time especially as we were interrupted by a man trying to wander around by himself who the tour guide had to run after. We ran out of time and it's a shame we weren't allowed a bit of free wandering time as I could have wandered for hours and studied the mosaics. The mosaic floors were beautiful and the tiles they used were tiny.
So we were late for our tower tour and had to play catch up. I think we missed a lot of t
he information as I didn't learn much about it. Good views from it though.
Afterwards we wandered into Pula in search of a shop. It was about 3km to walk and when we arrived was deserted. It looked a bit like a new town with identikit houses. Luckily one bar was open for us to pass the time before the shop opened and we were able to replenish our fresh veggies as we were down to only onions!