Emerald Tales

Currently sailing the eastern Atlantic visiting Maderia, the Canary Islands and the Azores

26 August 2024 | Terceira, Azores
18 August 2024 | Sao Louenco Bay, Santa Maria Island
08 August 2024 | Santa Marina, Azores
13 July 2024 | Santa Maria, Azores
22 March 2024 | Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
01 March 2024 | Porto Santo
23 February 2024 | Porto Santo
22 January 2024 | Madeira
15 December 2023 | Porto Santo
13 October 2023 | Porto Santo
15 September 2023 | Porto Santo
09 August 2023 | Porto Santo, Madeira
28 July 2023 | Porto Santo, Madeira
23 June 2023 | Porto Santo
15 January 2023 | Porto Santo

Pula to Cagliari; 16nm travelled

27 August 2014 | Cagliari, Sardinia
nichola / sunny
Dash dash we're off to Cagliari for a night in a marina. To make the most of our time we left early Tuesday morning for the 15nm motor as there was no wind. We called up Marina Del Sole who asked us to look out for people waving us in - which we did. Our second Med mooring went very well but gloves were definately needed for the lazy stern lines.

Once in a frenzy of activity began - laundry on, water filling, giving the boat a quick wash then off to the shops. We couldn't find a supermarket based on the first directions we got so went back to the marina for a map. We asked for new directions and in return got a lift to a huge supermarket that we would never be able to have walked to. We're keeping quiet about who gave us the lift but thank you very much it saved us a lot of time and effort.

Supplies packed away we could now stop for some fun. We walked the 20ish minutes along the waterfront path into the town. It was now gone 5pm so shops were opening and more people were about. We zigzaged our way along the narrow streets and up lots of steps until we reached the Basilica de San Remo. What an imposing sight it must have been to any invaders. Up and up we continued though the old Castello district surrounded by huge stone walls and with high towers at strategic points. He views were fantastic and gave a showed off the panorama of Cagliari.

Back down through more winding streets and hunger was making itself heard by now. We stopped off at a cafe called Caffe Antico 1855 which we'd read about in another blog. The prices were a little higher for our beer and proscecco but it was worth it for the cool as a cucumber atmosphere and for watching the super stylish Sardinians. How do they keep those white shirts so pristine especially having scootered here!

Having blown most of our budget on booze (the snacks were free) we headed off for some cheap food finding a pizza sandwich type place. It was popular with every age group and the quadrant of pizza sliced in the middle with a filling in there and toppings on top easily filled a hole. Cheap as chips too.

Another early rise to finish off the boat jobs and make the most of the marina power and water before leaving for Sicily. It's earlier than planned that we make the crossing but with a mistral due early next week, if we didn't go now we could end up being here another week at least. And we were advised by our kind lift giver to take the weather window and get gone.

The marina cost €55 a night for 13m boat. It was a bit ramshackle in places but we liked it.

Vessel Name: Emerald
Vessel Make/Model: Kelly Peterson 44
Hailing Port: No fixed abode
Crew: Colin 'Skip' Wright, Nichola Wright
About: One from Northern Ireland, one from Yorkshire, UK
Extra: Emerald has been our home since 2004. We've sailed around the UK, the western Baltic and have spent 7 years in the Med. We're currently in Portugal, planning a refit. Lot's more information about us and the boat can be found at www.yachtemerald.com
Home Page: https://www.yachtemerald.com/