Yacht Olivia

Follow our cruise! We are Ann & Mats on yacht Olivia, an Overseas 40 bluewater cruising sailboat.

24 July 2019 | Lagos, Portugal
12 July 2019
29 June 2019
23 June 2019 | North Atlantic
17 June 2019 | North Atlantic
11 June 2019
30 May 2019 | St Georges, Bermuda
27 May 2019
24 May 2019
24 May 2019 | Masonboro, NC
22 May 2019 | Masonboro NC
23 April 2014 | Caribean Sea
23 April 2014 | Caribean Sea
11 February 2014
05 February 2014
03 February 2014 | North Atlantic
02 February 2014 | North Atlantic
01 February 2014 | North Atlantic
31 January 2014 | North Atlantic

Days 7-10

27 May 2019
Ann Ljungberg
Day 7 - Friday May 24 Never leave on a Friday, they say. Staying seemed like a worse option as Memorial Weekend started. Americans celebrating their dead heroes while roaring their power boats as close to anchored sailboats as possible. Worked well for moving sailboats too (the FUN of tipping them over, hah!) and we were more than happy to get away from the crazy traffic - we have not seen anything like it since Italy, but there the inconsideration had a touch of innocence ... Anyway, from worse to much better - as soon as we got out into the ocean we dropped the fishing line. And less than 10 minutes later, dinner arrived! A perfect size fish, probably a small barracuda, ended up in filets in the oven with lots of butter, onions, tomatoes, herb and wine. And the sunset was perfect! The night got a little more uncomfortable with winds and current totally working against each others and we did not get much sleep.

Day 8 - Saturday May 25 Sunny, sea almost orderly at times. Day was spent repairing damages from last night - like the toilet ring hinges which were victims of a freak wave and gravity combined (obviously with someone on it). Meat sauce and spaghetti for dinner - quite a dangerous moment with all that water on the swaying cook top, makes me long for a place where cooking does not feel violent. Our night shifts were very active as we needed to change course every few minutes to avoid getting out of track.

Day 9 - Sunday May 26 There are moments when it's all fun (Let's remember those!) Like when we catch a beautiful Mahi mahi on our fishing line. About 10 pounds, we have dinner for several days! Cleaning it is a great adventure, with the sea so irregular it is impossible to plan the next move. It does not take many activities a day to get us exhausted. And finally we had one of those nights I've been waiting for, where the boat stays on course and I can tuck into a corner of the cockpit on my watch, gaze at the stars and think about how lovely it is to have you all following and supporting us. <3

Day 10 - Monday May 27 As we no longer have a deadline (I will not make it to Barcelona in time anyway) we decide to stop in Bermuda. We have another few days to get there but the decision fells good. Today we've been sailing through a couple of squalls, one with a hefty thunderstorm, and are now staying below deck to dry up. The movement onboard is crazy, imagine me typing here while holding on for my life. But the boat seems to enjoy it.

AUTHOR: Ann Ljungberg

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Vessel Name: Olivia
Vessel Make/Model: Overseas 40
Hailing Port: Stockholm
Home Page: http://www.yachtolivia.se
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