Restless Goes Sailing

Arrival in Lagos - and oh what a night

Coming into Lagos there were dozens of boats coming and going. On the headland there are caves and coves and a massive boat trips industry exists taking people out and then giving them paddle boards etc to allow them to go to see the caves. When we got in it was getting really windy, so having been allocated a berth we realised it was down wind. Having had a bit of a Glasgow kiss on a down wind pontoon previously we asked for an upwind berth to make mooring easier. Thank goodness we did. We came in to moor but the wind was really strong, so we took a few moments to find the right berth and then went back out having seen where the berth was and then came back and moored smoothly at the second pass. What we hadn't realised until later was that we were moored close to the fun fair. Come evening the big wheel and other attractions were all lit up and good old Restless was sitting basking in the yet more twinkly lights, and the sound of people screaming as a machine called "the King" flung them upside down and round about. More fun was to come. Yes, indeed, only the best pub singer ever was working his magic at the head of the pontoons. This guy could do everything from Paulo Nuttini to Pavarotti. He was amazing and having sung and danced in the cockpit for a bit, we went ashore where I am sure he was delighted at our joining in loudly with every song. We came back on board and lit my "happy birthday lights" [originally from Simon and Cathy]. It would have been a mistake not to "celebrate the event" and enjoy a wee malt to polish off an epic birthday. Certainly one of the most memorable.
