Restless Goes Sailing

Sat phone update 11 Monday 16 May

Phew, what a day yesterday. Our toughest since Biscay. We knew it would be windy, but as is often the case it was much more than forecast. We set of NE at around 5 a.m. planning to clip the back of the departing low pressure system and then make use of those winds. We had the fully reefed main up and the 110% Genoa. We started on a beam reach, (wind on the side), before the wind moved back onto the port quarter. As is often the case the weather worsened, and it is hard to put your finger on.when. That there are no log entries between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. suggests at least mid-morning. We were flying along at 6+ knots, but things began to feel a bit uncontrolled. The main was rounding us up into the wind and the steering vane was struggling to pull us back round. When we headed up we surfed round at close to 8k, not good. Trouble was the seas were high and the wind was steady 35-37k, and gusting and holding 40knots. To get the main sail down we needed to do a u turn, and head into the wind so we could drop it. We delayed too long, arguing we were “going fine”. In reality we were both afraid that we would get into difficulties dropping it, and the thought of Tim on the foredeck in that weather wasn’t good. However, it became clear early afternoon that we needed to act and we did. I take the helm, the sheet and the halyard, Tim did the hard work on the foredeck, dropping the sail and tying it down. It went well thankfully, and after that with only the headsail we had a much better day. Two forecast fronts blew through shifting the wind. We had a bit of a scrappy day food wise, pasta bagged instant stuff for lunch, and a good ready meal paella for dinner. Pretty tired but glad to have got past that system and en route to Horta which lies 466 nautical miles NE. We will restore ourselves with a sausage and beans breakfast whilst drying our foulies. It was wet and cold yesterday evening and overnight. The extra week has take its toll on provisions. You know when you look in your cupboard and fridge and there is food, but you don’t fancy it? We could be heading there. Chocolate all gone apart from one penguin biscuit (did we eat it last night), UHT milk will run out today or tomorrow, fruit and veggies a distant memory. However, noodles, pasta and sauces galore, and the last pigs cheeks to enjoy. Depending on wind and weather we could be 5-7 days, hopefully not more. 5 would be amazing, but I mustn’t get hopes up. Today, hopefully a quiet day. Just losing wind just now and am ordering a grib weather to see what might be in store. The good ship Restless moves onward, she was amazing yesterday, a tough little boat on a very big sea.
