Against the winds
08 July 2012 | 90 miles SSW of Woleai
Having a frustrating time here with the wind. Between when I left Woleai yesterday at 13:50 and 10:00 this morning 104 miles had been recorded by the boat's log. I actually was only 87 miles away from Woleai and only 67 miles closer to my waypoint in the Solomon's.
My course is 120 degrees and that is precisely where the wind is coming from - as weak as it is. To make matters more frustrating I am also going against a sizeable current so unless I motor I can only get to a speed (SOG) of about 1.8 knots - too slow for the autopilot. Motoring at low revs only gets me up to 4.2knots but not in the direction I need to go. I planned to average 8 hours a day motoring due to the light winds but have fuel to do 12 hours a day or a little more. But in the last 22 hours I've motored for 18. Can only hope for a change in wind and current in the comings days so I can reel back that average. Failing that my next stop will have to be Rabaul in PNG to refuel.
Rabaul is 870 miles from my current location and in these conditions I could motor all the way there. Honiara is approximately 1300. Not keen on visiting Rabual. Heard it is a dirty mining city which was somewhat destroyed by 2 volcanic eruptions and today ash still spews out of them. And the bars are full of roudy expats from the mining community so Honiara is still the plan.
The windex is also out again despite being replaced and the marine toilet is starting to make funny noises. I do have an overhaul kit but not looking forward to that job.
Otherthan that in fine spirits and healthy and lots of bananas and coconuts to keep me company in the cockpit.