Finally some wind - 4 knots of it
10 July 2012 | 4 12.91'N:145 44'E,
It is not much to work with but at least going from zero to 4knots improves boat speed so we get more miles per precious litre of fuel.
It looked like it was going to be an incredible sunset so I made myself a bacardi and coke and got the camera ready. As the sun was about to set a large cloud formation blocked it. However the sunsets out here are 360 degrees and near impossible to describe and certainly impossible to capture on film. There were two rainbows and 180 degrees from the setting sun were two pink lines stretching across into the horizon. Has to be seen.
I can see how someone could go mad out here in the vastness alone on a creaking boat. Just today while reading in the cockpit I heard a sound behind me which sounded so much like a cricket ball against a cricket bat.Obvioudly not! Sometimes at night the wind and the rigging can sound like voices. And one my very first night sailing alone when I got up to do the first round of checks after dark I saw human shadow in the galley, thought I had been boarded and prepared to defend myself before realizing it was just my t-shirt hung up to dry.
So back to the wind. Just this little increase from zero to 4 gives me hope that we could make it to Honiara and not have to stop in PNG. Whilst we are still motoring our speed (VMG) is over 5.5 knots right now. Whilst I planned to do a lot less motoring I also planned to do a lot lessor speed do it helps average things out a bit. Even at this speed though will need to pull into PNG unless I can find that current going east or more favourable winds so the engine can be turned off.
At least earlier today I was able to put the lack of wind to some use and do some maintenance and repairs including that of the electronic windex. Thanks to Messers. Petzl, Prusik and Belay, not to mention some lessons learnt in Faraulep I was able to fix it ... again. If you don't know what I am writing about you don't need to.
Now for another Clint Eastwood clip while we try and make some eastward. Pathetic attempt at some humor I know.