La Paz Again
05 October 2008
Debbie Noorda

Zephyra is back in La Paz and we are happy to be here. We really enjoyed our quick trip to California and were glad to spend time with our friends and family in San Diego, Tahoe and the Bay. Unfortunately, the trip was too short and there were many people we really wanted to see, but didn't get a chance. I hope everyone we didn't get to spend any or much time with will write us and let us know what is going on with them. We really love to get e-mails as they are our only real contact with people back home.
After spending time in Tahoe, we stopped in Alameda and bought boat stuff at Svendsens where Russ used to work. Then we drove back to San Diego, returned the rental car and bought more stuff. Russ's dad drove us to the border on Tuesday. We were stressed out about the amount of stuff we were bringing back across the border. We had a guy with a dolly help us carry the our luggage which consisted of 3 duffle bags full of boat stuff (including a 20 gallon fuel tank), 2 bags of clothes, a backpack and computer case. Our helper pushed the button at the border and our light came up red and we went over to the customs officer. He looks at all the stuff and says "That's just clothes RIGHT". We said "yes, clothes" and he let us pass without inspecting the bags. I guess we don't look like smugglers. The bus was long and grueling but uneventful.
Zephyra was fine when we returned to her except for the bird poop which covered her decks. We spent a little time in Santa Rosalia putting her back together and doing boat projects and then started to head south. We could find no wind at all and landed up motoring all the way back to La Paz. It is still hot here, but not as bad as it was further north in the Sea. The boat is going to be hauled out on the 13th for bottom paint and possible top-side paint (still negotiating). We hope to have all our projects done and start to head south on the 1st of November and make El Salvador by Christmas.