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About SailBlogs

SailBlogs was launched in 2004 as a web service aimed at the sailing and boating community where often members would find themselves in places where internet connections were limited or non-existant. The unique combination of tools SailBlogs offers allow these remote travelers the ability to continute to share their stories and stay conneced in a highly interactive way, even when the only connection is being able to send email. The SailBlogs services leveraged the skills learned managing expeditions and tailored them for sailors.

Since that time, SailBlogs has expanded to include additional features to allow members to stay connected with each other, to their other social networks, and share their adventures.

SailBlogs.com is part of webExpeditions.net, created in 1999 by Tim Harincar. webExpeditions.net is a leading developer of web services for science and adventure expeditions of all sizes. Through webExpeditions.net, Tim has assisted in developing sites for a more than 30 expeditions travelling to every ocean and continent. As a professional tool, webExpeditions.net has been used by teams that have been sponsored by the National Science Foundation, NASA, Royal Geographic Society, the Explorers Club, and a wide range of corporate sponsors.

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