Little Green Boat

Spruce circled the Pacific between 2013-2021. The plan to go on to the Indian Ocean was dropped due to Covid. We are heading back across the Atlantic to UK in 2022.

26 November 2020 | Nuku Hiva - Marquises - French Polynesia
05 November 2020 | Nuku Hiva - Marquises - French Polynesia
05 November 2020 | Nuku Hiva - Marquises - French Polynesia
28 October 2020 | Fatu Hiva - Marquises - French Polynesia
28 October 2020
28 October 2020
28 October 2020
28 October 2020
19 September 2020 | Fatu Hiva - Marquises - French Polynesia
16 September 2020 | Fatu Hiva - Marquises - French Polynesia
15 September 2020 | Fatu Hiva - Marquises - French Polynesia
05 September 2020 | Amanu - Tuamotus - French Polynesia
05 September 2020 | Amanu - Tuamotus - French Polynesia
05 September 2020 | Amanu - Tuamotus - French Polynesia
05 September 2020 | Amanu - Tuamotus - French Polynesia
05 September 2020 | Amanu - Tuamotus - French Polynesia
21 August 2020 | Amanu - Tuamotus - French Polynesia
21 August 2020 | Amanu - Tuamotus - French Polynesia
21 August 2020 | Amanu - Tuamotus - French Polynesia
21 August 2020 | Amanu - Tuamotus - French Polynesia

Settling In for Winter – Orkney

28 November 2022 | Kirkwall - Orkney - Scotland
Sue & Andy Warman
The local radio station does a variety of programmes broadcast on the Radio Scotland's frequency. One of the programmes is a morning half hour local news summary which is also available via podcast. We listened each weekday for the past two years to "Around Orkney" whenever we had a phone data signal. In French Polynesia, aboard Spruce, we became acquainted with this group of islands a few miles off the north coast of Scotland: community news, weather, events and key topics of concern to islanders. Ferry disruptions due to storms, breakdowns and groundings; road closures along the Churchill Barriers, built after the sinking of HMS Royal Oak in Scapa Flow in 1939, to link the southern islands and block maritime incursion. Farming news with auction activity and the types of animals reared was reported as was the daily diary and weekly letters from listeners. Along with news from friends, who once cruised their sailboat and now live in Orkney, and updates from friends who visited under sail, we became fascinated and keen to have a look for ourselves. A prospect glimmered of a possible place to base ourselves for future summer cruises in northern waters. Shortly after we arrived in Kirkwall, one of the events mentioned was a Radio Orkney open day. So along we went for a visit hosted by Huw Williams and Cameron Stout, to meet a couple of faces attached to the voices we recognised so well.

28 November 2022
Sue & Andy Warman
The history of the local radio station described by Cameron was interesting, as were anecdotes of an amazing resource of recorded interviews with elderly islanders from 50-years ago. Work is afoot to digitise these tapes before they decay too far. One tale was of a very aged resident of the island of Rousay who recounted talking to his grandfather, once a cabin-boy to Admiral Nelson aboard HMS Victory. The anecdote went on to describe Nelson always being prepared for an untimely death. A wooden coffin of his own specification was carried aboard. This coffin it seems ended up in Rousay, its whereabouts today a mystery.

28 November 2022
Sue & Andy Warman
A sample of the strong tradition of music in Orkney was enjoyed at an evening played by two well known Scottish bands: The Chair and The Poozies who performed in Kirkwall at the sailing clubhouse. Their schedules of playing at various island venues on this tour was necessarily modified by a spell of windy weather, ferry cancellations and delays. The night in Kirkwall went ahead to plan. This photo shows a few of the members from each band joining for a finale after their own sets were completed. A mixture of percussion, accordion, fiddles, guitars and banjos with founder Poozies' harpist Mary Macmaster

28 November 2022
Sue & Andy Warman
As anticipated, at a latitude of 59 degrees north the weather can get a little sporty as Atlantic weather systems race through. Here a photo of blustery weather blowing Force 9 through the harbour in Kirkwall. The strongest gale thus far has been accompanied with gusts of wind above 60 knots. Spruce is snug now the heater is fully functional, a few tense moments, with tools and parts strewn around the cabin, were overtaken by a sense of relief and a warm glow.
There are also plenty of days with blue skies between weather systems when we get out walking. We remember one memorable winter in Cumbria when the rain never seemed to cease. It is not that wet here.
Winter preparations included buying a 200 metre reel of mooring rope, to save unnecessary wear on our normal dock lines. We have been allocated a berth into which we shall move once we have completed a few of the ongoing boat maintenance jobs. As usual the jobs are in a circular list, but now we are taking a break from longer distance ocean passages the rate of "new job creation" has slowed markedly.

28 November 2022
Sue & Andy Warman
The Orkney Islands are well known for their large number of Neolithic and Bronze Age archaeological sites. The earliest sites date from over 5,000 years ago, before Stonehenge or the pyramids were built. Although, Orkney was first occupied during the Mesolithic period some 8,500 years ago. This Bronze Age site, at Broch of Gurness, is a mere 2,500 years old and less well known than more famous sites such as Maes Howe, Stones of Stenness and Skara Brae. Summer tourists are attracted by these amazing structures. The northern islands of the group have many more sites not as frequented by visitors due to their remoteness and limited accessibility. We plan to visit some of those when cruising next summer. Because trees were in limited supply much building in Orkney used stone, hence the rich plethora of remains and hard evidence from the earliest times of human habitation: after the last ice age, through the Pictish era, the Old Viking age and through to Mediaeval times.

28 November 2022
Sue & Andy Warman
On Bonfire Night a spectacular firework show was preceded by the Kirkwall Pipe Band playing for the crowds. Lit in the background is the magnificent St Magnus Cathedral, a red sandstone edifice, construction of which started in the 12th Century.
Orkney has four pipe bands including two school/academy training bands. The most well known are this one based at the main town and the Stromness Band who we saw leading at the recent Remembrance Day commemoration parade. We hear that many youngsters play a variety of musical instruments in Orkney, a significant number go on playing as adults.
The strong musical tradition extends into scattered communities. A couple weeks ago we went with friends to a Harvest Home celebration at the village of Orphir. There were 150 people in attendance with a popular local band playing for dancers engaged in time-honoured reels and Scottish dances.
Vessel Name: Spruce
Vessel Make/Model: Hallberg Rassy 42 - Enderlein Design
Hailing Port: Portsmouth, UK
Crew: Sue & Andy
About: Sue is an artist, plays the flute and guitar. Andy enjoys technical challenges. Both are working hard, harder than last time, at learning French while in French Polynesia again.
During 2013 and 2014 we sailed across the Pacific to New Zealand and then Australia. 2015-18 brought us from Asia to Washington State via the North Pacific Rim. In 2019 we cruised BC and then south to Mexico. In 2020 we headed back out into the Pacific with a 3,200M passage to Les Gambiers in [...]
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Spruce's Photos - French Polynesia
Photos 1 to 124 of 124 | Main
Sue with Yves in his uniform for Legionnaire
on the restored bus
one of the floats, them the jungle, roasting coffee
the Major and his deputies
Catherine and Sue at the festival
Male headress at the festival.
Teva at the weather station.
The balloon goes up
The big kid with a big balloon
Filling the weather balloon
Coconut preparation race.
Coconut preparation race.
Big surf on the fringing reef
Andy drinking coconut water
Big surf on the fringing reef
Onamea beach
Coconut crab
Onemia  beach ready to collect Coconuts
inside a papaya
At the small motu
drying bananas
The Franch Navy.
collecting wild oranges.
in the woods
At the top.
view from the top of mount mokuto
view from the top of mount mokuto
view from the top of mount mokuto
At the top, Sue , Katy, Anna
view from the top of mount mokuto
big winds little boat
At dada
The harbour at Riketia
Edward in his garden on Taravai
Edward with bread fruit
Christian in the garden
Veggies from Edward
view of Riketia
Oyster shells opened
The anchorage near Edward
At dada
Anna ans Florence sort through the pearls
The bllack pearls of Les Gambiers
Sue wearing her Birthdaypearl
The Birthday bash on board Spruce
Riketea festival 14th July
Riketea festival 14th July
festival headresses
The old entrance at Taravie
Sue and Andy at the top of mount Mokotu
on the way o the gambiers
A Brown Boobie takes a rest
Daily temperature testing on teh journey
Andy does the washing on our journey
A view from Aka Maru
Andy at the top of Aka Maru
The anchorage at Aka Maru. Sy/Pitufa in the foreground
Sue with the Brioche at Phillipes
boat storage
old pearl shells
on Taravie beach
A walk on Taravie
The old pathway to the village at Taravie
The church at Taravie
Sunday BBQ Elanese, Valerie and Sue
Herve attends to the BBQ
Sue and Birgit ( sy Pitufa)
Herve and Valerie hosts of the BBQ
Ariki son of Herve and Valerie
Christian and Birgit sy/ Petufa
Edward with bread fruit
One of the supply ships
The tomb of the white king, Riketea
Mount Duff
House in Riketea
Sue working on portraits for Phillipe
The anchorge at Taravie
The village at Taravie
Andy with Phillipe
At Phillipe
Van at Phillipe
Yves with one of his chickens
Yves with eggs
At the pearl farm
Black pearls
Herrmit crab
At the airport anchorage
old coral beach
showing the colours of the shell
Harvesting the pearl
The Belladonas . Katy, Andrew, Florence and Anna
our view in strong winds at anchore
Another colection of fruits.
more rain